READ/San Diego Team (Valerie, Tamara, Rancy, Stephanie, Laura, Jakub, Kim, Alexis, Sharon, and Cassandra)
Val Hardie (Literacy Program Administrator) has worked with the READ/San Diego Adult Literacy Program since 1988. She says that the past 32 years has been an amazing personal and professional journey for her.
One of the strengths of READ/San Diego is its decentralized services. Learners are met in locations that are more convenient for them. The staff is passionate and committed to working with learners and helping them reach their goals.
READ/San Diego provides one-on-one tutoring and computer-assisted literacy services for English-speaking adults,18 years of age and older in the City of San Diego. READ/San Diego also provides family literacy and workforce literacy services.
Learners who come to the program are from all walks of life. They are people who need help reading their child’s report card, reading medical information from their doctor, getting a library card, putting together a resume, and helping their child read a book.
The Families for Literacy Program is led by Kim Noriega. Parents in this program learn to advocate and support their kids in reading. Past participants have gone on to earn full scholarships to colleges. Some participants are the first in their families to attend college.
The staff shares a story about a READ/San Diego learner, in his 50s, who came running into the office one day and said, “Oh man, you know what? I went home and there was a note on my door, and I could read it!”
This is just one of many dreams that READ/San Diego has made come true.
What people should know about this program?
People come from all over the world to visit the San Diego Public Library where the READ/San Diego program is located. The activities and programs that are offered through READ/San Diego are free of charge. Every year, READ/San Diego hosts the Annual Tutor Conference, the Learner Recognition Dinner (coming up in February), and the Gingerbread Family Day and Book Fair. Learners can also learn about computers, iPhone literacy, and can attend an adult book club.
How can people support this program?
There are more learners right now than there are available tutors. Tutors are needed particularly in City Heights and Downtown San Diego. Volunteers can also help with outreach, leading writing classes, teaching technology classes, and assisting with career services.
Contact and links for the San Diego Public Library – READ/San Diego Adult Literacy Program:
Literacy Program Administrator: Valerie Hardie